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Elevador de piscinas Poolpod

Poolpod es un elevador de piscina galardonado con múltiples premios, apropiado para nuevas instalaciones de construcción y reemplazo de montacargas de piscina en piscinas existentes. El elevador de plataforma Poolpod Pool fue desarrollado para los Juegos Olímpicos y Paralímpicos de Londres 2012 y ahora está transformando el acceso a la piscina.

Exclusiva para España y Portugal Ayudas Más. Servicio técnico y distribuidor oficial.

Poolpod es un reemplazo perfecto para un polipasto de piscina; es compacto, fácil de adaptar y atrae a nadadores con una gama más amplia de dificultades de movilidad. El sistema puede  reducir las demandas del personal de la piscina y ofrece el mayor nivel de independencia para los clientes. La adopción del sistema Poolpod puede atraer nuevos clientes a una piscina.

Poolpod es recomendado por profesionales y se está convirtiendo rápidamente en la opción natural para nuevas instalaciones de construcción. El sistema es una alternativa más compacta y económica a un elevador de plataforma de piscina integrado, su móvil brinda configuraciones de piscina más flexibles y reduce la complejidad del tanque de la piscina.



Poolpod provides dignified, inclusive access to swimming pools

When the Olympic Delivery Authority for London 2012 could not find a pool lift that satisfied their exacting requirements for functionality and accessibility, they launched an international competition to find the right design.

Poolpod Products Ltd, a creative industrial design company based in Glasgow UK, took up the challenge and won with their designs for the Poolpod, a novel submersible platform lift.

Poolpod redefines best practice for the design of facilities for people with disabilities at swimming pools. It provides dignified access to swimming services and helps enable service providers to fulfill their ongoing obligations under discrimination legislation.

Any swimmer who finds using a pool ladder inappropriate can use the Poolpod simply, easily and quickly. Poolpod can be used whilst standing, or alternatively people can make use of the custom designed submersible wheelchair to aid their pool entry / exit.  The pivot action of the platform lift, coupled with a robust mechanical design, means access to the pool is fast and reliable. The lift remains level during its deployment phase and is stowed neatly on the side of the pool when not in use.

Incorporated into the system is a custom designed submersible wheelchair. This allows wheelchair users to remain seated until they are comfortable with the water depth, offering huge benefits to both comfort and usability. This element of the design allows users to transfer in the comfort and privacy of the changing room, and has removed the need for people to make a poolside transfer from a wheelchair into an assistant operated hoist.

Proximity wristbands allow a user to operate the machine by placing their wristband by the descent / ascent controls.  This allows the user to control the descent and ascent of the Poolpod whether from the poolside, on the device or in the water. The system also allows an individual to adjust the depth to which the Poolpod submerges.

Pool operators and end users have been universally positive about the design of the Poolpod. Realising the market potential of the product, The Poolpod is a beacon of cutting edge, inclusive, human-centered design that is supported by best practice guidance.

Josh Reid, Entrepreneur and Founder of Poolpod products LTD notes;

“We know our products have huge potential, and offer a step change in the standard of access facilities at swimming pools.   Through widespread adoption of Poolpod I hope that this excellent way to stay fit and healthy will be available to everybody, I hope and believe that our product will improves peoples’ lives.  Its introduction to the marketplace should compel service providers to review their provision and allow the Poolpod to be seen as a piece of pool equipment to help a broad range of pool users.”

Poolpod in the development phase © Poolpod Products Ltd


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